Our services

Online Development

  • Ready to go
  • Short and sharp
  • Downloadable resources
  • Multiple content areas
  • Innovative and multi-use

In-Person Coaching

  • Tailored to your school
  • Hands on approach
  • In-classroom modelling & support
  • Build your leaders, on site
  • Personable



$30 +GST

For a graduate or experienced teacher looking to develop their practice in a specific area without the huge investment.

  • Gain practical ideas
  • Immediate access
  • Choose 1x full video or 3x bite size PDs
  • Select from an extensive library
  • Access for 2 weeks by an individual only


$120 +GST

For teachers who want to develop their own expertise in the area of Mathematics.  We have selected some great videos to get you started on building your content knowledge! 

  • Gain practical ideas
  • Access 12 of our most popular videos
  • Discretely build your own content knowledge
  • 12 months access to these amazing videos
  • Later decide to upgrade to a complete school account? We will refund your $120.  Win Win!



$2500 +GST

For schools wanting online PD to enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics. This complete access package will give you all the content-rich PD you need for your staff

  • Differentiated approach to PD for your teachers
  • Full Access to all Libraries (Videos, Resources & Books)
  • Content is viewable for 12 months by your whole staff
  • Downloadable Resources for your staff
  • Gain practical ideas



For schools looking for full access to our online library and in person support to implement the content. This package includes at least 3 days of in-person consulting over the year.

  • Flexible differentiated approach to PD for your teachers
  • Full Access to all Libraries (Videos, Resources & Books)
  • In person support and coaching
  • Downloadable resources for your whole staff
  • 12 months access for your staff

We strive to support as many teachers and schools as possible. Our membership provides access to our online content library all year round. Upon purchase, you will receive access to a range of professional development videos which look deeply at the:

- Research behind how students learn Mathematics
- Progression of conceptual understandings in Mathematics
- Effective instructional strategies to try in your classrooms.

With our online library, your teachers will be inspired to be reflective on their practices in Mathematics. These brief videos will act as a provocation, a tool to challenge beliefs and inspire growth in the teaching and learning of Mathematics.

Our library offers: 1 hour webinars and 3-8 minute Bite Size PDs


The Bite Size PDs in particular, offer flexibility in how they can be used with your staff. Each recording can stand alone as its own professional learning but when watched together as a collection, the knowledge of your staff will be deepened and connected.

Here are just some of the ways a Bite Size PD can be used with your staff:

- Play a PD in the first or last 5 minutes of a staff meeting to inspire staff to be reflective on their practice

- Play the 3-8min PD, have teachers reflect in their year level teams, how will the viewed content effect their teaching?

- Encourage teams to view a related Bite Size PD before planning as a team. Referring to professional research before planning a unit or sequence of lessons ensures the learning will be targeted and rich.


Our 1-hour webinars give you the full professional development experience with opportunities within the video to pause and have your staff discuss the content and be active in the process.

Need more information to decide if this is right for you?
go to the library

We provide onsite Education Consulting in Metro Melbourne and regional Victoria. We offer a range of services including but not limited to, the following:

- Professional learning sessions tailored to your school’s needs (curriculum day and after school sessions)

- Whole school review and planning inclusive of observational audit of your school and co-creation of a strategic plan.

- Analysis of your Numeracy data 

- Support in team planning and PLCs with your staff

- Development of documentation to suit your school’s context 

- In classroom coaching, modelling and observing with your staff

- Coaching of your Middle-Level Numeracy leaders

- Flexible bookings around your school's timetable

Melbourne metro: Free on-site Meet & Greet with follow up quotation to suits your school’s requirements

Regional Victoria: Online video Meet & Greet with follow up quotation to suit your school’s requirements

Need more information to decide if this is right for you?
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